Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Compare and Contrast Windows 7 vs. Linux - 774 Words

Linux vs Windows has been a subject of debate since the inception of computers. As told by Severance, (2008) LINUX was originally developed at Bell Laboratories as a private research project by a small group of people starting in 1969. Linus Torvalds, who was then a student at the University of Helsinki in Finland, developed Linux in 1991. It was released for free on the Internet and generated the largest software-development phenomena of all time (Linuxs History, 2000). Today LINUX owns about 10% of the market share and this has dropped in recent years as both Windows and Linux have increased their share of the available market with Linux currently holding about 20% (Galli, 2007). As noted by Windows History (2006), many long-time PC†¦show more content†¦Whether it be documents you need to work on, or configuration files you need to edit, or log files you need to read; youll need to find particular files. In Windows, you use a program called Windows Explorer. There are two ways you can use Windows Explorer; with or without the folder pane. On the right-hand side of the application, you can see the contents of whatever folder youre currently looking at. Directories look like file folders — and, in Windows, â€Å"directories† are often called â€Å"folders† — and files have different icons, depending on what they are. (For example, Word documents would use the Word icon, and text files would look like Notepad icons, etc.) Double-clicking any file will open it in its default application, and double-clicking any folder will open it. If you have the folder pane open on the left, you can also navigate through directories by single-clicking any folder. Any folder that has sub-folders under it will have a plus sign beside it, clicking it will expand that folder, and show its sub-folders. If you dont have the folder pane on, there will be a different pane in its place, with various shortcuts you can use, suggested by Windows. For example, if the directory youre looking at has a lot of music files in it, there might be a link to play the music in Windows Media Player, or if there are a lot of images, there might be a link to start a slideshow. In Ubuntu, you use a program called Nautilus to look around atShow MoreRelatedPos/355 Team Assignment2415 Words   |  10 PagesWindows 7 Windows 7 is an operating system that is of the Microsoft Windows family. Windows 7 is part of one of the most used operating systems around the world. It is the successor to Windows XP and Windows Vista. Alongside Windows 7 are two other operating systems that are viewed as alternatives to the Windows OS. Those alternatives include Linux operating systems as well as Windows Server 2008. 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