Monday, August 24, 2020
Methods and tactics used to reduce gender and racial disparities in Essay
Techniques and strategies used to diminish sexual orientation and racial variations in jails.- CRJ - Essay Example Of late the question about racial and sexual orientation variations in jails emerges all the more once in a while and seriously, calling to execute explicit instruments and strategies to decrease that wonder. Because of the measurement results African Americans and Hispanic culprits are bound to be sentenced for lawful offense than white individuals (Hartney and Vuong, 2009). Likewise as a rule the sentences of dark individuals are longer. Uniqueness of capture rates between racial gatherings strikes and panics radically. Also, capital punishment among hued detainees is spread oftener than among white delinquents. What's more, there is a critical lopsidedness among male and female paces of culpability. All referenced realities demonstrate the disparity in legal framework concerning guilty parties of various races and sexes. As per expressed issue a few arrangements that are meant to decrease uniqueness can be suggested.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Is Genetic Engineering Ethically Right Philosophy Essay
Is Genetic Engineering Ethically Right Philosophy Essay Is hereditary building morally right? Morals are measures of good and bad, great and awful. Morals is the arrangement of good standards. They impact how individuals settle on choices and guide their lives. Morals are worried about what you should to do to satisfy your ethical obligation. There are two angles to morals which are having the option to figure out what is correct or off-base, fortunate or unfortunate and Committing to making the right decision and great. Moreover being moral is more than understanding what is the correct activity subsequently you ought to maintain a strategic distance from off-base and awful. Hereditary designing was found in 1970. It includes changing the hereditary material structure living beings. It frequently includes taking a quality from one life form and embeddings it into the hereditary structure of another living being. It enables to change numerous parts of nature and could bring about a ton of life sparing treatment. Hereditary building is otherwise called hereditary adjustment or hereditary control. There are a few zones of hereditary designing for instance hereditary building of creatures, crops, incipient organisms, human cells and cloning. Cloning a human performed by taking hereditary materials from at least one human and hereditarily designing them into the qualities of another human, the main vertebrate to be cloned is Dolly the sheep. Specialists develop a few cells from the living being to be cloned, and expel the core from an unfertilized egg cell. They at that point take one of the refined cells and embed it completely into the covering around the egg. At that point electroshock the egg to make the two cells wire, and embed the new incipient organism into a substitute mother. At the point when the child is conceived, two hereditarily indistinguishable people of various ages and with various birth guardians will exist, in this way the first human will have been cloned. Cloning can be helpful if there was a circumstance a few has one kid and they become barren and can't have additional kids. Cloning would assist them with having a subsequent youngster yet it will a more youthful twin of the kid they as of now have . Besides if youngster is lost not long after birth or in a deplorable mishap they could have their infant or kid back by cloning them yet it would resemble a twin one of a kind people they won't have similar qualities. There are little gathering of individuals that help cloning. Supporters of cloning that cloning is exploitative than growing a plant from a slicing or bringing forth indistinguishable twins, the two of which include two discrete and unmistakable life forms with indistinguishable genomes. Since indistinguishable twins have precisely the same genome, yet at the same time grow up with various characters, clones are brought up in altogether extraordinary timespans and social foundations will be completely individual in spite of indistinguishable qualities. In this manner for the supporters cloning is simply one more logical subject and they accept it will end up being a regenerative decision, and the individuals who wish to clone then selves must reserve the privileges to do. At long last the vast greater part of individuals contend that cloning people is both unnatural and untrustworthy. For example the cloned kid wouldnt have a hereditary mother or father it would have a solitary atomic contributor. For example if a man cloned himself that youngster would be another class of relationship to him as his clone, the kid can't be his child or his twin sibling subsequently the kid would confront bunches of issues when growing up, different childrens at school will have guardians however this kid wouldnt. Numerous religions, for example, Hindu and Islam additionally item to cloning, they guarantee that it is playing God. Hereditary designing of creatures remembers control of qualities for creatures of any species. Hereditary building of creatures could have been occurring for a great many years as people have picked which attributes they like in a creature and its appearance. They have played out this as specific reproducing they have then variety these creatures in an assortment of ways. There are three kinds of hereditary building that can be utilized on creatures, these are Xenografting-this is performed by utilizing the human DNA to enhance a creature or the other way around and model if this is creature valves and tissue been utilized in people. The human body acknowledges pig valves and hearts this is on the grounds that the researchers accept that the DNA of pig heart valves was comparative enough to people and that they were tradable under certain conditions. They are wanting to cause pigs to develop human hearts that were coded by the DNA from people which has not yet gone after clinical pre liminaries. In the event that this was effective a considerable lot of the individuals lives can be spared utilizing the pigs heart accordingly the customers no longer need to hang tight for human heart. Cloning of creature utilizing the DNA of one creature to another creature with the indistinguishable hereditary data a case of this is Dolly the sheep. This is finished by embeddings the DNA of one creature into the baby of similar species. There are befits on it has extraordinary potential as a lucrative industry and furthermore in creating hereditarily indistinguishable animals for testing and repeat and clone for instance cloning the best cows that produce the most milk or meat this can be brisk and modest for ranchers. At long last control this is the changing of creature DNA. A case of this is when researchers had an effective endeavor where they hereditarily built a pig to create human insulin that can be utilized to treat diabetes, this is gainful to people and it is being utilized therapeutically to treat type one diabetes. Another sort of hereditary building is hereditary change of incipient organism otherwise called architect child. In hereditary designing moral issues included. Morals Xenografting manages both human and creature there are morals associated with the two gatherings. Xenografting gives creatures human DNA and human creatures DNA. This can address individuals in light of the fact that a creature can't contain human DNA as it would not be a creature in the event that it did. Moreover creatures are a stage down from human in the food graph accordingly if a chicken contain human DNA human might not have any desire to eat something that has a similar DNA. What are the present and potential advantages that make hereditary building of creatures worth while? How does the substance based hereditary adjustment vary from the well established procedure of particular rearing? Should organizations be permitted to patent the hereditary change of a creature? If not, what steps would they be able to take to secure their examination? There are unlimited measures of inquiries associated with hereditary building as a rule yet I think the choices are especially shaking with creatures since they are fundamentally the same as people; more so than plants. Are people prepared to deal with a future where their bloodlines may incorporate creature qualities from somebody who got a pig/human heart transplant? For hereditary designing of creatures to be helpful and pragmatic people must understand coming into contact with creatures that contain human qualities and the other way around. There might be people with pig hearts sooner rather than later. There are additionally chances related with any sort of hereditary designing, however in the event that society can concur with it on a fundamental level it will prompt a ton of good. There is a gigantic measure of cash contributed as of now and much additionally sitting tight for an opportunity. Hereditary building is the thing of things to come. Strict convictions might be tried, hereditary designing of creatures may not be a piece of things to come, yet in some structure hereditary building all in all will profoundly affect our future. When hereditary designing of creatures is acknowledged a major issue is the connection among science and cash. Hereditary building is propelling gratitude to the a lot of green given by companies who consider it to be a venture. On the off chance that they can build milk creation in dairy animals or make creature/human organs that are not powerless to dismissal they will be rich. This sort of innovative work has potential as a lucrative gadget, an exploration apparatus, and in medication. Clashes Between Industry and Medicine The fight is between private speculations and other cash, government and private, hoping to propel the science. On one hand hereditary building of creatures has incredible guarantee. It could explain the lack of organs which executes a huge number of individuals every year as they hang tight in line for an organ they may get past the point of no return. This is something that has extraordinary guarantee as a speculation and an advantage for society. There are other all the more short named lucrative research extends that spoil established researchers and hurt the government assistance of society. These are things connected only from time to time with the clinical field yet more frequently with creation. For instance the utilization BGH (Bovine Growth Hormone) in cows to build their milk creation. This was not a clinical concern and it has not many advantages, with the exception of eliminating brushing land, yet enough milk was at that point being delivered. These creation disapproved of tasks spoil the clinical guarantee of hereditary designing and transform it into a risky lucrative plan. There are numerous dangers related w ith hereditary building. It is a field that isn't totally comprehended and there are numerous dangers included; illness (both for one age or hereditarily based), disease from creature qualities, and a limitation of the hereditary base (like inbreeding) with additional to come. Hereditary designing will be a piece of our future and DNA from non-human creatures has just been helpful. Before long this touchy new industry will discover its cutoff points inside societys ethics. Cloning Cloning in creatures can be cultivated by embeddings the DNA of one creature into the baby of a similar specie alongside a vector which gets clears out the DNA as of now in the incipient organism. At times the vector doesn't dispose of the first DNA of the hatchling or the embryo doesn't embrace the new DNA. It took 277 endeavors for the researchers to clone Dolly from the skin cell of a multi year old. This shows a portion of the deficiencies of cloning that are probably going to change with time. As of now researchers experience difficulty cloning incipient organisms without unsuccessful labors. The e
Monday, July 20, 2020
Imaginal Exposure Borderline Personality Disorder
Imaginal Exposure Borderline Personality Disorder BPD Treatment Print Imaginal Exposure Borderline Personality Disorder By Kristalyn Salters-Pedneault, PhD Kristalyn Salters-Pedneault, PhD, is a clinical psychologist and associate professor of psychology at Eastern Connecticut State University. Learn about our editorial policy Kristalyn Salters-Pedneault, PhD Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 05, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on May 22, 2019 Tom M Johnson/Blend Images/Getty Images More in BPD Treatment Diagnosis Living With BPD Related Conditions Imaginal exposure is one part of an approach to treatment called cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT therapy focuses on the idea that most psychological problems can be traced back to early learning experiences and those experiences affect how we interpret and react to things that happen to us later in life. CBT is an empirically supported treatment â" meaning it has been extensively researched and scientifically proven â" for borderline personality disorder. BPD can be related to traumatic experiences. Whether it was an experience from when you were a toddler that you have forgotten or something horrific that happened while a teenager, these incidents may be responsible for some or all aspects of your BPD. In the CBT model, part of the reason that traumatic experiences from the past continue to trouble us today is that we learn to avoid thinking about them. This is natural since past events can cause very painful emotions and we try not to live in the past. But because we try to push away thoughts about the occurrences and avoid anything that reminds us of those experiences, we actually prevent ourselves from learning that the memories wonât harm us and that we are safe. Imaginal exposure aims to bring these negative experiences to the surface so that you can reframe how you think about and react to those memories. By shifting those reactions, your reactions and behaviors in other situations may also be improved. How Imaginal Exposure Works Imaginal exposure is one way that CBT therapists address this problem. In imaginal exposure, you will be asked to imagine yourself back in one of your traumatic events. You will be asked to try to âre-liveâ the event in your mindâs eye, with all of the feelings, sensations, smells, sights, and sounds that happened during the event. Usually, imaginal exposure is done in your therapy session. Your doctor will guide you through the process, helping to keep you on track and secure. They will be very careful not to push you to a point of fear or discomfort, as they understand how awful it can be to think of these traumatic experiences. It is important to do imaginal exposure under the guidance of a therapist â" this is not something to attempt on your own or with a friend. Over time, you may find that you are having less intense reactions to the memories of past events. There is a great deal of research demonstrating that imaginal exposure is an effective way to reduce trauma-related symptoms. It doesnât work for everyone, but many people have significantly fewer issues and can better manage their borderline personality disorder after completing exposure therapy.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Trump An Old Man That Has Made Over Two Million Dollars
Rich, authoritative and risky are a few words that best describe Donald Trump. Trump is a business icon that has made over two-million dollars in real estate. He lives in New York City where he owns Trump Towers and Trump Plaza. Trump is considered as a hero to young adults, who have big business expectation for themselves. Trump is the Ultimate businessperson. Trump is an old man that has been through many generations. Trump has stood strong for many years, because of the way he lives. Trump is a risk taker and isnââ¬â¢t afraid to standout. However, Trump had a breakdown in the early 90ââ¬â¢s. He was in debt for more than 1 million dollars. Although he was on the bottom, Trump was able to pull himself out of the debt. He was able to make more than 2 billion in the next years. This shows how calm and how much resilience he has. Trump has a lifestyle that can be described as a hero. He has given money to charities and gives people opportunities to succeed. Trump is best-known for remodeling the city ice rink (free of cost). Trump has brought many families together by allowing them to spend quality time with each other at the city ice rink. Trump gives on many occasions. Trump will always have his name in history, not just because he was a billionaire, because he was a giving billionaire. Trump is rich and powerful in the businessworld. He is a hero when it comes to the entrepreneurship. However, there are some slight negatives if you were to model life by him. ForShow MoreRelatedWhat Does It Affect Our Education? Essay1037 Words à |à 5 Pagesspeaking for her two minutes, Trump got a turn. Trump stated that Hillary didnââ¬â¢t use two - very important - wordsâ⬠¦ Law and order. Without those two words, we wouldnââ¬â¢t have a country. Trump also stated that there were thousands of shootings and deaths in Chicago. The way to fix that is to get rid of their guns, according to Trump. While both candidates agree that getting rid of guns in the hands of bad people is a good idea, Hillary resorted to saying that the cops need the training while Trump said thatRead MoreShort Story : The Rally 1533 Words à |à 7 Pagesthrown at me in class, I was just waiting for the clock, the clock to strike eleven. As the last specs of sand landed in my mental hourglass, I knew it was time. I scuffled to the office, backpack slung over my left shoulder, hands trembling with excitement while attempting to find my name in the millions of ââ¬Å"Millersââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬ the school possesses. I head to my ancient SUV, a fresh, ââ¬Å"Make America Great Againâ⬠sticker slapped on the bumper, adding a touch of white to the blue beast. 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According to The College Board, almost seventy percent of college students in the United States, the majority being of non-Caucasian decent, do not receive adequate funding and scholarships to help pay for the tuitions at high dollar public universities such as Ohio State, Arizona State and UCLA, and even inexpensive schools such as TSTC. My biggest concern for the upcoming years ahead of America is how effective the education system will be, because as of now, it s not. StudentsRead MoreSteve Wynn : Changing Las Vegas1448 Words à |à 6 Pageslater graduate the University of Pennsylvania. (Wynn, 2015) Early Years Following his fathers death of a heart attack in 1963, Steve decided to take over his fathers bingo business, but not before acquiring his fathers gambling debts. Through taking over his fatherââ¬â¢s bingo parlor, Steve made connections with Maurice Friedman, one of his fathers old friends. With the help of a $30,000 loan from Freidman and $45,000 of his own money, Wynn bought a three percent investment in the Frontier Hotel. ShortlyRead MoreThe Watergate Of American Politics1560 Words à |à 7 PagesNixon s name clear throughout the confessions of the Watergate burglars and of men inside the White House. From 1972 until 2017, many other national scandals have been publicized to the nation, but current political controversies such as President Trump s Russia scandal and Hillary Clinton s email mishap rival Watergate. The Watergate Scandal changed the security measures taken during presidential campaigns and began an era of political scandals. Both political and social upheaval characterizedRead MoreMovie Review : Frozen Is The Hottest New Princess Movie Of 2013935 Words à |à 4 PagesMovie Review: Frozen Frozen is the hottest new princess movie of 2013. The film is a 3d Disney animation. Frozen came out on November 27, 2013. It raked in millions for the box office in U.S dollars. Like any Disney movie, the parents die in the beginning. They leave behind two daughters. One of who takes reign as the new queen. Soon the kingdom sees her for who she is. Her magical powers leave her sister desperate to save their sisterly bond. Frozen is one magical movie you do not want to miss.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Compare and Contrast Windows 7 vs. Linux - 774 Words
Linux vs Windows has been a subject of debate since the inception of computers. As told by Severance, (2008) LINUX was originally developed at Bell Laboratories as a private research project by a small group of people starting in 1969. Linus Torvalds, who was then a student at the University of Helsinki in Finland, developed Linux in 1991. It was released for free on the Internet and generated the largest software-development phenomena of all time (Linuxs History, 2000). Today LINUX owns about 10% of the market share and this has dropped in recent years as both Windows and Linux have increased their share of the available market with Linux currently holding about 20% (Galli, 2007). As noted by Windows History (2006), many long-time PCâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Whether it be documents you need to work on, or configuration files you need to edit, or log files you need to read; youll need to find particular files. In Windows, you use a program called Windows Explorer. There are two ways you can use Windows Explorer; with or without the folder pane. On the right-hand side of the application, you can see the contents of whatever folder youre currently looking at. Directories look like file folders ââ¬â and, in Windows, ââ¬Å"directoriesâ⬠are often called ââ¬Å"foldersâ⬠ââ¬â and files have different icons, depending on what they are. (For example, Word documents would use the Word icon, and text files would look like Notepad icons, etc.) Double-clicking any file will open it in its default application, and double-clicking any folder will open it. If you have the folder pane open on the left, you can also navigate through directories by single-clicking any folder. Any folder that has sub-folders under it will have a plus sign beside it, clicking it will expand that folder, and show its sub-folders. If you dont have the folder pane on, there will be a different pane in its place, with various shortcuts you can use, suggested by Windows. For example, if the directory youre looking at has a lot of music files in it, there might be a link to play the music in Windows Media Player, or if there are a lot of images, there might be a link to start a slideshow. In Ubuntu, you use a program called Nautilus to look around atShow MoreRelatedPos/355 Team Assignment2415 Words à |à 10 PagesWindows 7 Windows 7 is an operating system that is of the Microsoft Windows family. Windows 7 is part of one of the most used operating systems around the world. It is the successor to Windows XP and Windows Vista. Alongside Windows 7 are two other operating systems that are viewed as alternatives to the Windows OS. Those alternatives include Linux operating systems as well as Windows Server 2008. 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ISBN-13: 978-0-13-233531-7 ISBN-lO: 0-13-233531-X 1. Management information systems. l. 11lOmpson, Jeffrey, 1953- II. Title. HD30.213.M68 2009 658. 4 038011- dc22 20070511 41 Editor-in-Chief: Eric Svendsen Executive Editor: Bob Horan Product Development Manager: Ashley Santora
Development of Feminism Free Essays
The Feministic Movement that emerged in Europe in the 19th century was a major event that changed the perception of how females were generally thought of. The publication of Mary Wollstonecraftââ¬â¢s Vindication of the Rights of Womenà (1792) and John Stuart Millââ¬â¢sà The Subjection of Womenà (1869) ideas, social movements, and individual feminists migrated across land and sea, generating a powerful new context for the advancement of womenââ¬â¢s rights. In this era, womenââ¬â¢s right and emancipation were used to refer to what we today call as feminism. We will write a custom essay sample on Development of Feminism or any similar topic only for you Order Now Early feminists included both men and women who advocated equality for women in public institutions such as the church and the government and in the family and household. Almost all feminists advocated their right to education and literacy above everything else. These ideas were mostly fueled by major social, intellectual, economical and cultural transformations in Europe and North America. Feminist Movement has been classified into three categories or ââ¬Ëwavesââ¬â¢ by scholars. The first wave focused mainly on womenââ¬â¢s suffrage which was the right of a woman to vote and stand for election. Virginia Woolfââ¬â¢s ââ¬ËA Room of Oneââ¬â¢s Ownââ¬â¢ described the hardships that women endured that were inflicted by men. She talked about how women were the upholders of society as they acted as mirrors to men. The first women rightââ¬â¢s convention was held in Seneca, New York were a Declaration of Sentiments was signed that outlined the grievances of and set the agenda for women right movement. The first wave ended with the passing of the law that gave women the right to vote. The second wave of feminism focused on gender inequality through cultures. It focused on how educated women who were housewives were dissatisfied which led them to question if that was all that there was to their life. It talked about ending discrimination and led to women enrolling in medical school and pursuing careers. The third wave of feminism dealt with developing the different achievements of women and addressing the issues of race distinction, gender violence and reproductive rights, to name a few. The feministic movement liberated women from pre-conceived gender specific roles and their ability to make their own decisions in all walks of life. It gave women voting rights, employment opportunities and giving them the choice to have a family or not. The feminist movement continues even today with people like Gloria Steinem, Dionne Brand, Hillary Clinton, Kurt Cobain, Betty Ford, Urvashi Vaid, Sandra Oh, Naomi Wolf and Taslima Nasreen to name a few. The Feminist Movement has played a key role for the past century and continues to this day. How to cite Development of Feminism, Essay examples Development of Feminism Free Essays The Feministic Movement that emerged in Europe in the 19th century was a major event that changed the perception of how females were generally thought of. The publication of Mary Wollstonecraftââ¬â¢s Vindication of the Rights of Womenà (1792) and John Stuart Millââ¬â¢sà The Subjection of Womenà (1869) ideas, social movements, and individual feminists migrated across land and sea, generating a powerful new context for the advancement of womenââ¬â¢s rights. In this era, womenââ¬â¢s right and emancipation were used to refer to what we today call as feminism. We will write a custom essay sample on Development of Feminism or any similar topic only for you Order Now Early feminists included both men and women who advocated equality for women in public institutions such as the church and the government and in the family and household. Almost all feminists advocated their right to education and literacy above everything else. These ideas were mostly fueled by major social, intellectual, economical and cultural transformations in Europe and North America. Feminist Movement has been classified into three categories or ââ¬Ëwavesââ¬â¢ by scholars. The first wave focused mainly on womenââ¬â¢s suffrage which was the right of a woman to vote and stand for election. Virginia Woolfââ¬â¢s ââ¬ËA Room of Oneââ¬â¢s Ownââ¬â¢ described the hardships that women endured that were inflicted by men. She talked about how women were the upholders of society as they acted as mirrors to men. The first women rightââ¬â¢s convention was held in Seneca, New York were a Declaration of Sentiments was signed that outlined the grievances of and set the agenda for women right movement. The first wave ended with the passing of the law that gave women the right to vote. The second wave of feminism focused on gender inequality through cultures. It focused on how educated women who were housewives were dissatisfied which led them to question if that was all that there was to their life. It talked about ending discrimination and led to women enrolling in medical school and pursuing careers. The third wave of feminism dealt with developing the different achievements of women and addressing the issues of race distinction, gender violence and reproductive rights, to name a few. The feministic movement liberated women from pre-conceived gender specific roles and their ability to make their own decisions in all walks of life. It gave women voting rights, employment opportunities and giving them the choice to have a family or not. The feminist movement continues even today with people like Gloria Steinem, Dionne Brand, Hillary Clinton, Kurt Cobain, Betty Ford, Urvashi Vaid, Sandra Oh, Naomi Wolf and Taslima Nasreen to name a few. The Feminist Movement has played a key role for the past century and continues to this day. How to cite Development of Feminism, Papers
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Macbeth Essays (770 words) - Characters In Macbeth,
Macbeth Images of blood and water occur frequently throughout William Shakespeares Macbeth, the significance of which should not be overlooked. Shakespeare uses these images to portray the horror of the central action, Duncan's murder. The vibrant images of blood and water also symbolize the unending guilt of the two protagonists, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. The blood and water represents their inability to erase the memory of Duncan's murder and the impossibility of ridding their conscience of the unscrupulous deed they committed. The blood of King Duncan becomes too powerful for any amount of water to rinse it clean from Macbeth and Lady Macbeth's hands. It overpowers their ability to forget their actions and clear their consciences. Duncan's blood on Macbeth and Lady Macbeth's hands is symbolic of the evil crime that they had committed. The blood on their hands is also representative of the guilt, which could not be escaped. "Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood Clean from my hand? No, this my hand will rather The multitudinous seas incarnadine, Making the green one red." (II, iii, 61) Illustrates how no amount of water could clean Macbeth's guilty conscience. He imagines that all of the water from the ocean could not clean his hands of the burden of guilt that weighed so heavily on his tormented mind. He pictures Duncan's blood staining the entire ocean red. Immediately after murdering Duncan, Macbeth's guilt is brought on much like a large gaping gash while Lady Macbeth's guilt is more like a small cut that in time festers into a massive lesion. Lady Macbeth's remark "wash this filthy witness from your hand, " (I,ii, 47). This illustrates quite clearly that that she has far less immediate guilt for the crime and rather more physical repugnance towards her husband's blood stained hands. " It will have blood they say; blood will have blood", (III,iv,122) Macbeth says this knowing that the murder he committed must be avenged. The only logical conclusion that can be drawn from this is that foresees his execution as the inevitable conclusion to his evil deeds. This foreshadows his death and highlights how none of his efforts to wash his hands clean of Duncan's murder succeed. The same symbol of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth's malicious actions not being washed away is brought out very clearly again in (V, ii, 17). Angus says, "Now does he feel His secret murders sticking on his hands". Angus knows very well that the murders could not just simply be forgotten. He also knows that Macbeth will, in time get what he deserves. He realizes that Macbeth can no more escape his fate than assuage his guilt by washing the blood away. "A little water clears us of this deed"(II, ii, 78). Lady Macbeth believes that as soon as Duncan's blood is physically removed from their hands that their consciences would be cleansed as well. She urges Macbeth, at all costs, not to think of the murder or they will be driven mad, "These deeds must not be thought After these ways:so, it will make us mad", (II, ii,34). Ironically, Lady Macbeth is the one overcome with obsessive thoughts of Duncan's murder and these thoughts result in a mental collapse that ends in her suicide. The bloody hand reappears when Lady Macbeth hallucinates about trying to clean her hands of Duncan's blood. She says "Out, damned spot! out I say! ...Yet who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him?" (V, i, 38-43). Lady Macbeth becomes overcome with grief and is driven mad. She tries to clear the imaginary blood off her hands but all her efforts are in vain, "What! will these hands ne'er be clean?" (V, i, 46). When she believes that she has succeeded in ridding herself of the stains of blood, she smells the odor of blood and comes to the inevitable conclusion that the crime can never be forgotten, "Here's the smell of the blood still: all the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand. Oh! oh! oh!" (V, i,52). The guilt of Duncan's gruesome murder, although more present in Macbeth originally, grows in Lady Macbeth until she begins having the same deranged visions of her hands getting bloodier and bloodier and not ever coming clean regardless of how much she washes them. The blood and water in Macbeth may well play the most significant roll. It very accurately illustrates through symbolism the unsuccessful efforts of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth to rid themselves of their guilty consciences. The blood clings to
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
The Tales of the Medieval Knights Courage, Chivalry and Convictions
The Tales of the Medieval Knights Courage, Chivalry and Convictions Fighting a dragon, saving the princess and going for another quest ââ¬â this is how most people, who have only heard about knights from the tales of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, imagine a Medieval knight. However, the reality was far more complicated than that. With an impeccably virtuous lifestyle imposed on them by the Christian Church, Medieval knights were the representation of the qualities that would later on be turned into a cult, with the image of a knight becoming a role model for the entire male population.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Tales of the Medieval Knights: Courage, Chivalry and Convictions specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More As history says, the origin of knighthood was far too ancient to be jeopardized by the morals and principles of the Dark Ages. Created at the dawn of the Roman and Byzantine Empires reign and known as Bucellarii (Abels, n. d., para. 6), knighthood se emed a very fortunate substitute for a regular army for the kings of Britain in XIIIââ¬âXIV centuries, which is why it was supported by all means possible. Thus, the premises for the evolution of a unique culture that was fully independent from the influence of the Middle Ages morals and standards were being born. In many senses, knighthood shaped the moral standards of the Middle Ages. The principles that Medieval knights considered their code of conduct were quite simple and could, probably, even fit the modern idea of a courageous and chivalrous person. The following character traits were traditionally considered essential for the Medieval knights; anyone who acted otherwise was to be shunned till the end of his days. Chivalry presupposed a gentleman-like attitude towards women, without the least bit of chauvinist condescendence, which would become a norm several centuries later and, thus, set the progress backwards, throwing the relationships between the two genders several centuries back). Courage meant the absolute recklessness, i.e., going beyond oneââ¬â¢s instincts of self-preservation. A rather doubtful concept in the present-day world, in the Medieval Era, the given idea correlated with the principle of devotion and, therefore, was rather legitimate. Mercy involved sympathy towards the enemy, who was defeated, and sparing his life. Even after disarming his arch nemesis, a knight would never kill him as long as the former remained defenseless. The principles of fair fight were coined by none other than Medieval knights.Advertising Looking for essay on british literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Piety was encouraged by the Church, since knighthood was based on Christian virtues and, therefore, ruled by the Christian principles. Devotion should also be named among the key qualities; knights were expected not only to serve, but also to trust their lord completely. Nobility made knights protected the weak and fought for the defenseless. Faith presupposed that knights could not allow giving up on their convictions even when facing death. Respecting and honoring of women was the duty of every knight. In addition, knights were to adhere to the principles of justice. Eschewing unfairness was the ultimate goal of knights. Finally, unselfishness was another prominent feature of a Medieval knight ââ¬â no knight would ever accept a monetary reward.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Tales of the Medieval Knights: Courage, Chivalry and Convictions specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Leaving a major cultural heritage, knights became a staple of noble and chivalrous men with impeccable behavior and devotion that could withstand the threats of an enemy, tempting yet dubious rewards and the test of time. No matter how flawed and violent the Medieval society was, knights, guided by the church, man aged to contribute to making this society a little more humane. Much to their credit, they seem to have succeeded. Reference List Abels, R. (n. d.). Feudalism. 28 Oct. 2013. Retrieved from
Monday, March 2, 2020
How Eli Whitney Invented the Cottin Gin
How Eli Whitney Invented the Cottin Gin Eli Whitney was the inventor of the cotton gin and a pioneer in the mass production of cotton. Whitney was born in Westboro, Massachusetts on December 8, 1765, and died on January 8, 1825. He graduated from Yale College in 1792. By April 1793, Whitney had designed and constructed the cotton gin, a machine that automated the separation of cottonseed from the short-staple cotton fiber. Advantages of Eli Whitneys Cotton Gin Eli Whitneys invention of the cotton gin revolutionized the cotton industry in the United States. Prior to his invention, farming cotton required hundreds of man-hours to separate the cottonseed from the raw cotton fibers. Simple seed-removing devices have been around for centuries, however, Eli Whitneys invention automated the seed separation process. His machine could generate up to fifty pounds of cleaned cotton daily, making cotton production profitable for the southern states. Eli Whitney Business Woes Eli Whitney failed to profit from his invention because limitations of his machine appeared and his 1794 patent for the cotton gin could not be upheld in court until 1807. Whitney could not stop others from copying and selling his cotton gin design. Eli Whitney and his business partner Phineas Miller had decided to get into the ginning business themselves. They manufactured as many cotton gins as possible and installed them throughout Georgia and the southern states. They charged farmers an unusual fee for doing the ginning for them, two-fifths of the profits paid in cotton itself. Copies of the Cotton Gin And here, all their troubles began. Farmers throughout Georgia resented having to go to Eli Whitneys cotton gins where they had to pay what they regarded as an exorbitant tax. Instead planters began making their own versions of Eli Whitneys gin and claiming they were new inventions. Phineas Miller brought costly suits against the owners of these pirated versions but because of a loophole in the wording of the 1793 patent act, they were unable to win any suits until 1800, when the law was changed. Struggling to make a profit and mired in legal battles, the partners finally agreed to license gins at a reasonable price. In 1802, South Carolina agreed to purchase Eli Whitneys patent right for $50,000 but delayed in paying it. The partners also arranged to sell the patent rights to North Carolina and Tennessee. By the time even the Georgia courts recognized the wrongs done to Eli Whitney, only one year of his patent remained. In 1808 and again in 1812 he humbly petitioned Congress for a renewal of his patent. Eli Whitney - Other inventions In 1798, Eli Whitney invented a way to manufacture muskets by machine so that the parts were interchangeable. Ironically, it was as a manufacturer of muskets that Whitney finally became rich. The cotton gin is a device for removing the seeds from cotton fiber. Simple devices for that purpose have been around for centuries, an East Indian machine called a charka was used to separate the seeds from the lint when the fiber was pulled through a set of rollers. The charka was designed to work with long-staple cotton, but American cotton is a short-staple cotton. The cottonseed in Colonial America was removed by hand, usually the work of slaves. Eli Whitneys Cotton Gin Eli Whitneys machine was the first to clean short-staple cotton. His cotton engine consisted of spiked teeth mounted on a boxed revolving cylinder which, when turned by a crank, pulled the cotton fiber through small slotted openings so as to separate the seeds from the lint a rotating brush, operated via a belt and pulleys, removed the fibrous lint from the projecting spikes. The gins later became horse-drawn and water-powered gins and cotton production increased, along with lowered costs. Cotton soon became the number one selling textile. Demand For Cotton Grows After the invention of the cotton gin, the yield of raw cotton doubled each decade after 1800. Demand was fueled by other inventions of the Industrial Revolution, such as the machines to spin and weave it and the steamboat to transport it. By mid-century America was growing three-quarters of the worlds supply of cotton, most of it shipped to England or New England where it was manufactured into cloth. During this time tobacco fell in value, rice exports at best stayed steady, and sugar began to thrive, but only in Louisiana. At mid-century the South provided three-fifths of Americas exports, most of it in cotton. Modern Cotton Gins More recently devices for removing trash, drying, moisturizing, fractioning fiber, sorting, cleaning, and baling in 218-kg (480-lb) bundles have been added to modern cotton gins. Using electric power and air-blast or suction techniques, highly automated gins can produce 14 metric tons (15 U.S. tons) of cleaned cotton an hour.
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Develop an interview methodology for a digital forensic examination Research Paper
Develop an interview methodology for a digital forensic examination - Research Paper Example It will depict the instructions and definitions for the forensic examiner. Examination: This phase is meant to facilitate the evidence visibility while providing an explanation regarding its origin and significance. The examination phase also involves the revealing of hidden information and the relevant documentation (Kohn, 2012). Developing the interview methodology is very critical in a digital forensic investigation. The major steps involved in the development process include preparation for the interview, selecting/determining participants, establishing a pilot test/study, Constructing the research question, following-up the question, implementation of the interviews, and data interpretation (Selamat, 2008). The first and one of the most important things to do is to initiate a preparation for the digital forensic examination interview. The interview preparation will help in breaking the forensic investigation process in such a way that any problematic circumstances are alleviated or exacerbated. Such problems usually occur after the investigation is fully implemented (Turner, 2010). The forensic examiner should determine the possible problems and establish a way of evading or dealing with them. The preparation should be done in such a way that unambiguous focus is established. This is meant to enhance the feasibility and the associated benefit of the digital forensic examination (Turner, 2010). To ensure an effective interview preparation, the forensic examiner needs to choose the forensic investigation setting. This choice of forensic investigation setting will ensure that the examination is done within a feasible context. The purpose of the forensic interview should also be explained effectively. Further, the confidentiality terms need to be addressed. This requirement is very important because respondents will require guaranteed safety once they provide
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Coporate Governance & Globalisation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Coporate Governance & Globalisation - Essay Example The troubles in the entire conglomerate culminated in the sale of this subsidiary. This report analyzes problems leading to the collapse and recommends relevant corporate governance measures, which would have prevented such managerial malpractices. Introduction Daewoo is a South Korean company founded in the late 1960s. It represented pioneering entities in the automobile sector in not only South Korea but also Asia. Kim Woo Choong played a vital role throughout the early years of the corporation. The entity benefited massively from the governmentââ¬â¢s goodwill. The government enacted policies, which ensured that the entity did not face major competition. Additionally, it offered credit to the entity at friendly rates. This reduced the overall cost the entity incurred. The reduction of cost gave the entity a massive competitive edge over rivals. This shows the impact of governmentââ¬â¢s goodwill on the entityââ¬â¢s fortunes. The success of the entity did not last long since it encountered major managerial problems. This write-up will analyze problems which this entity encountered culminating in its sale. Furthermore, it will propose corporate governance measures that would have impeded the chaos that emanated and led to its collapse. Daewooââ¬â¢s history and managerial problems Daewoo is a conglomerate with numerous subsidiaries, which included Daewoo Motors, Daewoo Bus Company, Daewoo Electronics, Daewoo Heavy Industries and Daewoo Securities. This was a huge corporation with several subsidiaries and joint ventures. The sheer size and complexity of this entity made its management challenging. Managers in such an entity encounter countless constrains. The multinational had diversified its operations into several industries. Diversification enabled the entity to sustain its financial stability (Lopez 2000). The collapse of this entity resulted from some diverse factors. The governmentââ¬â¢s policies were key to the collapse of the entity. The gov ernment enacted protectionist policies. Such policies ensured that the entity got cheap raw materials. This reduced the entity cost allowing the entity to make phenomenal profits. Additionally, the entity got cheap financing from the government. Similarly, this reduced its costs availing more funds for further investment. The government also focused on policies, which favoured one entity. Therefore, the government failed to support emergence of other smaller entities. Therefore, such policies shielded Daewoo from competition, costly raw materials and high cost of credit. This provided a perfect market for the entity to succeed. The government seemed not to have a clear policy to ensure fair trade in its economy either. These policies were friendly to the entity since the entity gave political support in exchange for such skewed governmental strategies, which favoured the entity (Lopez 2000). The expansion of the entity entailed several five-year plans. These plans would outline what the entity should accomplish within the period. Daewoo Motors commenced operations in the early 1980s. Daewoo Group acquired an entity that was failing in the automobile sector owing to competition from Hyundai. Using its massive resources, Daewoo Group turned around the fortunes of this entity and renamed it Daewoo Motors. This acquisition added another subsidiary to the already expanding corporation. The Daewoo conglomerate seemed to be undertaking an expansion strategy. However, such a strategy
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Foreclosure Essay -- Real Estate
Recent setbacks in the mortgage and financing sectors of the economy have modified the process of real estate acquisitions. Specifically, entry level investors with un-established or insignificant credit history have experienced difficulty securing collateralized loans with competitive interest rates. This is not to say that a weak credit history was disregarded prior to the real estate and bond market collapse in 2008, though, it has certainly become more difficult to attain financing for the purchase of real property.1 Fortunately, the proposed scenario for this essay indicates that I, the investor, acquired $150,000 cash to purchase a distressed property, which presents a unique opportunity from both investment and financing perspectives. However, achieving the greatest return on my investment requires a solid financial strategy, which includes: 1. Defining my risk parameters, familiarizing myself with the process of purchasing a distressed property, and performing thorough due diligence, prior to engaging in the purchase. 1. Exploring my financing options 1. Estimating a potential return on investment (ROI) For this exercise, I will focus on purchasing a distressed property to generate rental income, as a long-term investment. Therefore, the following sections of this essay will discuss my financial strategy as is relates to a distressed real estate purchase. DEFINING RISK PARAMETERS A Brief Discussion of Risk Management Regardless of investment type, an investorââ¬â¢s portfolio must account for risk. Whether it relates to stock or real estate acquisitions, risk directly correlates to the returns one can expect on an investment. Accepting higher levels of risk typically indicates that potential returns c... ...ategy, given $150,000, I chose to pursue an all-cash purchase of a distressed property, located in a generally stable area along the outskirts of Philadelphia. The property will likely be a two-story, 2 bedroom, tenant- occupied row home, priced between $115,000 and $125,000. The purchase price leaves approximately $25,000 - $35,000 cash, which I can use towards capital expenditures, and as a financial buffer in the event of tenant default. Additionally, from my knowledge of rental rates in the area, I am confident that I can earn $800 - $950 per month, which yields a ROI of 8% to 12%. My decisions were based on a logical and well-planned approach. Although accounting for risk is imperative, and success is never guaranteed, following my detailed financial and investment approach for acquiring a distressed property can maximize my present and future returns.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Hacktivism: The Anonymous Hackers. Essay
Hacktivism is the act of hacking, or breaking into a computer system, for a politically or socially motivated purpose. The anonymous hackers are part of the hacktivisim, it originated in 2003, however, in 2008 the group began to move toward political and social change. ââ¬Å"We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect usâ⬠(Brian 2012). The anonymous hacker group has presented itself in the street of different cities in the world after downloading a Youtube video asking all the anonymous for a meeting in the street, and starting their own community. ââ¬Å"After WikiLeaks released hundreds of thousands of classified U.S. government documents in 2010, the ensuing cyber-attacks waged by all sides in the controversy brought the phenomenon of hacktivism into popular focusâ⬠(Noah 2012). After WikiLeaks many forms of hacktivism exploit illegal. The anonymous help in saving people life in Arab spring country. As in Egypt the anonymous team up tog ether from the US and Egypt to provide communication tools for Egyptian people after the Egyptian government starts shutting down the internet for the whole country (Brian 2012 Anonymous). The hacktivisim is used to search for freedom in Arab spring country from the dictatorial government. In Tunisia and Egypt, anonymous took down the government websites, and allowed people to enter the websites, and post their messages in the government consider it as freedom of speech as the websites own by the people not by the government (Kris 2011). Hacktivism most of the time is illegal act of getting secret information from our own government and publish it to the public. It looks for individual and group freedoms that may achieve with hacking (Shalin 2013). MasterCard, Visa, and PayPal also have been attacked by the anonymous hackers. A phone interview with anonymous in RT news about these hacking, the anonym said ââ¬Å"that we did that for the movement of freedom of information speechâ⬠as the anonymous support WikiLeaks and the information that WikiLeaks provide, and these three company cut the fund to WikiLeaks. ââ¬Å"On February 25 @AnonymousIRC, an Anonymous Twitter account with over 280,000 followers began posting ââ¬Å"teasersâ⬠about a massive Bank of America data leak (Dell 2013)â⬠the anonymous found 4.8 gigabyte of information about people career and salaries. The anonymous collective said ââ¬Å"the data was actually retrieved from an open, insecure server in Tel Aviv, Israel, but also managed to obtain a full version of Clear Forestââ¬â¢s text analyzing software (Dave 2013)â⬠, and at the end the anonymous left a message asking about these information and why itââ¬â¢s in the Israeli server. The anonymous isnââ¬â¢t about the good guy or the bad guy; itââ¬â¢s the character of the individual. One minute they are heroic and good in saving civilization. A few minutes later they are hacking, and doing unethical thing by hacking personal information and put them for the public, and steeling credit cards. ââ¬Å"Anonymous was never anyoneââ¬â¢s personal army, and never stayed on any one topic for very long (Quinn 2011).â⬠The anonymous can be anything from anywhere, a child, a mother, a doctor, and a teacher anyone can be anonymous. The anonymous groups are people who have opinion, and they express their opinion with hacking corporation and government websites. They are looking for the freedom of speech and exchanging information among others without any limitation from the government that hide information from the people, and from the big corporations that they just look at the people as profit. The anonymous have been success of expressing their opinion in Arab spring country, and they were one of the biggest reasons in starting the revolution in those countries. The anonymous have been hacked many Israeli website to show the world the unethical act that the Israeli government does against the Palestinian people in Gaza. Hacktivism is expressing a lot of people opinion that they canââ¬â¢t say because they are scared of the government, and it is going to play major role in the future, like itââ¬â¢s right now or more. As the technology will get wider the hacktivism will get bigger. The anonymous might continue with same name or with different name, as long as, people looking for the truth and freedom hacktivism will stay around and grow. The Anonymous is a group of people from all over the world doing illegal acts, but most of the time they are showing the bad activity that government big corporation does to the people. And is hard for any government to follow them and a rest them, because they are anonymous and anyone can be one of them. Works Sites Anonymous Internet Users Team Up To Provide Communication Tools For Egyptian People (2011 January 29). ml Brian Knappenberger. (2013 February 26) Anonymous/4Chan/LulzSec/Hacktivism ââ¬â Full Documentary. Dave Smith (2013 February 28). Bank of America Hacked By Anonymous: Hackers Leak ââ¬ËSecretsââ¬â¢ About Executives, Salaries, And Spy Activities. Dell Cameron (2013 February). ANONYMOUS HACKED BANK OF AMERICA AND SEEMINGLY REVEALED THAT THEY ARE SPYING ON HACKTIVISTS. Kris Notaro (2011 March 9). From Tunisia and Egypt to Wisconsin: Anonymous Hacker Group Helps Take Down Insupportable Websites. Noah C.N. (2012 July 1). HACKTIVISM: A NEW BREED OF PROTEST IN A NETWORKED WORLD. Boston College International & Comparative Law.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Essay on Legalisation of Prostitution in Queensland
Originally derived from the Latin word situere, meaning to offer for sale, prostitution describes the offering and provision of sexual services for financial gain. Pickles, (n.d), further describes prostitution as the carrying on of a trade or business by a person who submits her/himself to another for gain or hire for the provision of sexual services. According to the Australian Institute of Family 2008, sex work is broadly defined as the exchange of sexual services (including oral sex, vaginal and anal sex, sexual touching, masturbation and massage) for payment or reward. There are several avenues of sex work within the community including street work, brothel work, private and escort work whilst also table top dancing , which allâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The first category of law deals with the punishing of prostitutes for the sale of sex. With the exception of New South Wales, street prostitution is deemed illegal across the nation and prostitutes may be arrested for loiteri ng for the purpose of gaining business (Australian Institute of Criminology, 1990, 2). Secondly laws are passed to punish those who are involved in the management and organisation of prostitution whilst there are laws punishing clients. There are only two categories of legal sex work within Queensland including that of private sex work, the unaccompanied/solo operation, and licensed brothel work (Prostitution and the law in Queensland, 2007,1). All other forms of prostitution are governed by, the Criminal Code Act 1899 (Qld) S229; which states that any persons who knowingly participates, directly or indirectly, in the provision of prostitution is guilty of a crime and may be liable for up to 7 years imprisonment. Further more the Vagrants, Gaming and other Offences Act 1931 S5; recognises that any persons soliciting or loitering, being a prostitute, behaving in a riotous disorderly or indecent manner in a public place; is accountable for engaging in the crime of street work (Prostit ution laws in Australia 1990, 2). Whilst this legislation proves to be of particular relevance today in regulating the presence of street work, the accuracyShow MoreRelatedProstitution : A Matter Of Numbers1107 Words à |à 5 PagesLegalising prostitution: a matter of numbers Prostitution is commonly referred to as the oldest profession of the world, and this is far from true if we consider the definition of prostitution. According to Encyclopaedia Britannica, ââ¬Å"Prostitution is the practice of engaging in relatively indiscriminate sexual activity in exchange for immediate payment in money or other valuablesâ⬠(prostitution in Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica Online, 2015). There is little evidence of humans selling sex for payment inRead MoreThe Women Of The Prostitution Business915 Words à |à 4 Pagesdirty connotations which come with it and people need to realise that it is not all about sex anymore and that these are ordinary women who deserve to be treated with respect. What should be done to help protect the young women that are in the prostitution business in Britain? If escorts are disgusting people, then why do they still exist? One in then British men have visited a prostitutes, which shows that there is a high demand for them. As long as these men are not forcing the women to do somethingRead MoreEssay about Regulating Prostitution4814 Words à |à 20 PagesRegulating Prostitution Historically, although prostitution has been viewed as a threat to the moral order and a danger to public health, the state has tended to legislate for the regulation of prostitution, rather than introducing measures focussed on its elimination. Even early Christian societies did not seek to eliminate prostitution, with the Church fathers justifying this stance by asserting that Sewers are necessary to guarantee the wholesomeness of palaces. (quoted by de Beauvoir, 1974Read MoreEssay on Legalization of Prostitution in the United States of America1985 Words à |à 8 Pagesforce anyone to do so. But when men or women do want to sell their bodies, they should have that full right without encountering punishment or discrimination.â⬠Prostitution, often described as the worldââ¬â¢s oldest profession is a legitimate criminal offence in 109 countries of the world today (ââ¬Å"Human Trafficking Statisticsâ⬠). Laws on prostitution vary considerably from country to country: in s ome countries it is punishable by death penalty (Iran - Facts on Traffickingâ⬠), in some it is a crime punishable
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