Saturday, August 24, 2019

Drug illegalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Drug illegalization - Essay Example Drug abuse is a serious public health problem that affects almost all communities in some way. Every year millions of people succumb to illnesses or injuries. It is also a great contributor to a number of social problems, such as violence, drugged driving and physical abuse including that of children, homelessness, job loss, crime and many more others. (Karberg and James) Say that there are different reasons why people experiment with drugs. Some do it out of curiosity or influence from friends, others in trying to improve athletic performance; others try to ease problems such as stress, depression or anxiety. The use of drugs does not necessarily lead to abuse, neither is there a specific level at which drug use moves from casual to being problematic. Drug abuse and addiction is more about the amount and frequency of consumption, together with the consequences. If in any way the drug use is causing a problem in any way either at school, work, or at home then it is most likely to lead to abuse or addiction problem. Essentially, drugs are poisons. The effect will be determined by the amount of rug consumed. A small amount will act as a stimulant to speed you up, while a greater amount will do exactly the opposite. It will speed you down acting as a sedative. Not only does this apply to the drugs abused but to all other drugs since only a given amount is required to achieve the effect. Many drugs are found to affect the brain distorting the user’s perception of what is taking place around them. As a result the person’s actions will be odd or inappropriate and even worse, destructive. Consumption of drugs leads to blockage of all sensations, both the desirable ones and the unwanted. As much as these drugs provide a short term relief of pain or any other course, they wipe out the ability and alertness of a person. They create blank spots and blur memories (Maisto, Galizio

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